Nashville or Bust

The trip that started a longer journey

Change a Preposition and Change a Perspective (December 30)

Note: This is a post I wrote on December 30 but did not publish. I found it now and realize, it was complete.

It’s cold out. The year is ending and I find myself ruminating.

Sometimes I marvel at the thoughts that wisp through my brain. They can start so small but given space and permission, they run wide. These subconscious nudges that come about on their own accord are so very random and generally, so very unrelated to what I’m doing. Do you have them too?

I’m learning to lean into these musings a bit more — to decode them, ask questions of them, marvel at their obliqueness, and understand their connection. Sometimes they frighten me. Sometimes they exhaust me. Sometimes they float away and try as I might to recover them, forever lost.

Today’s thought however had a little bit of tooth to it and was one of those that rang in fast,clear and strong. Enjoying a lazy moment after defrocking the Christmas tree, this phrase literally spun through my brain:

“I don’t want to die of something, I want to die with something.”

I’m not sure what was more jarring — the fact that this type of thought randomly popped into my psyche or the fact that this type of thought made complete sense to me. In fact, it brought a sense of peace and purpose.

Thinking about it more, I appreciate how changing something like a preposition can be a catalyst for living differently. To not dwell on the basis of transition but rather, to ensure that essential things like love, laughter, gratitude, kindness, spirit, introspection, serenity, simplicity, and humility are always in my bucket. To me, this changes the situation. ~Jacqui


August 19, 2018 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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